Be More Tree! Please read the excellent article in the link below from Ian Bates at Two Sides UK and inform yourself about the European paper industry so you can make informed choices surrounding paper use and be aware of corporate greenwashing claims and what may be behind them....
"Peer through the corporate greenwash, past the brand humblebragging and two clear facts appear. One – We are consuming too much of our planet’s resources. Two – We are creating too much carbon dioxide...Thankfully our planet is a genius, it can take the complex and make it simple. It has developed a tried, tested, easy to deploy, low cost technology that eats C02 and returns oxygen...All good. All trees. And all good to go. In fact this is well underway. Between 2005 and 2020, European forests grew by around 60,000 km²..."
Take care of the earth and she will take care of you.
How we act begins with how we think, and both will shape the future human landscape.
Click to read the new article written by Two Sides Ian Bates:
Sep 23, 2024